Custom Toys and Gadgets
"You have made us so happy!!! Our son LOVES his mission control panel!"

Lisa H.
Has your kid ever asked you for some wacky gadget or cool toy but there doesn’t seem to be anything on Amazon? We can help! From retro gaming stations, to space shuttle mission control boxes, to working toy elevators, we can make it for you.
Reach out any time to cascobaystudios at
Electro Toy Co. was the first company I started, and was the precursor to Casco Bay Studios. (Then I forgot to renew the website registration) Now the only real difference is ETC has a page on this website. I also really like the logo. ETC specializes in crafting custom-made toys, with an electronic twist. Many of the products feature Arduinos or Raspberry Pi microcontrollers. Click any image below for more information.